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Guest john castaldi

Now that I have my venture on the road, I'm noticing a lot of heat. Heat comes out of the side covers, right onto the backs of my knees, and the clutch cover is so hot I have to use the highway pegs. The temp guage is ok, so i'm guessing this is normal. what do you guys do?



I live in Tucson and the heat is a problem. My bike is an 87 which has the closable vents in the triangular holes near the rear cylinders - yours just has a hole, right? A bunch of heat must come out there, because when I open my vents it's real nice in the winter. Maybe you could retrofit the closable vents, or make some cover plates to put in.


The side covers got way hot, so I got some under-hood insulation, kindof a woven felt-ish stuff with a sliver foil-ish cover layer, cut it to size and glued it on the entire back side of the covers to keep the surface from getting so hot. I cut a hole in it where the heat vent is, but in the summer I tape a piece of insulation over the vent (on the backside) because the vent leaks a little when closed. Heat also leaks out the crack between that cover and the fairing. I cut the insulation to kinda fill that gap. It helps a little but looks hokey. I intent to cut it back and stick some gray or black foam weatherstrip in there. I've not noticed a big problem on my feet, but sometimes my ankles get a little hot breeze from under the fairing and covers.


Here's a big help - Baker Built Air Wings. They are discontinuing them for our Ventures but I bought some a short time back so get 'em while they're hot (no pun intended). They work like wind wings on an old car; they can give extra protection when closed or scoop air when hot. It really helps the hot knee problem, and provides a draft in the entire cockpit area. Check out their website for pics. I had to get used to the appearance, but they are worth it.



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