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I was hoping for the wife and I to ride to the Island this year for a holiday but illness prevented it. hopefully next yr we will make it. I grew up in Summerside


(Airforce Brat LOL)




Nothing wrong with growing up in S'side I'm from Charlottetown but have lived in Hampshire for the last 26years on 5 acres. You haven't missed anything by not coming this summer, it has rained almost every day or been cold since May. Us Islanders get very testy when we can't get to the beach.:rotf:I'm leaving next week for a 6000km round trip to Minneapolis for a conference and have decided to ride. It will be my first real long distance trip and I'm pumped. It sounds like we have the same bike 1984 xvz12L ; mine just rolled up 90000km and I hope it has lots more.( at least 6000 more).


I hope your illness isn't serious and when you get to the island give me a shout.

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