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Christmas eve and I 'm a little put off at what I encountered today. Wife and I went to IHOP, a decent place for breakfast, we have a good one in concord, NC. We finished and the waitress bought our bill, wtitten on the back was "Happy Holidays" so without thinking I said how about a plain old Merry Christmas? she responded by saying they were not allowed to say Merry Christmas. the manager confirmed that the policy came from corporate, So I'm calling corporate to complain but I'm affraid I've lost a decent place to eat (because I do vote with my dollars) Whats your thought?


Not to get this thread going, but I agree whole heartedly with you. If in fact this is the truth, and corporate has sent that message down the pipe. I would contact them and absolutely let them know how you feel and that you will be the worst word of mouth to them.

I purposely say Merry Christmas to everyone that I come in contact with.


This has unfortunately become pretty much a standard at all establishments in this "Politically correct" wacked out world of today. However, I have been told that if you wish one of the employees a "Merry Christmas" in many establishments they have the right to respond the same if they choose to.


My feelings. I am a Bible believing Christian and if THAT fact offends people, I will pray for them. If Christianity offends them I will also pray for them but will treat it as eating meat sacrificed to idols...


Bah Humbug to Happy Holidays.............Its Christmas time, so it is and will always be Merry Christmas to all..............if they dont like it, they can have my lump of coal, cause thats what they deserve, Let us all remember the reason for Christmas.........He is the reason for the season.


Keep Christ in Christmas..............AMEN!!


Now I return you to our regularly scheduled rants...........:cool10::cool10:




Well, this will probably start this thread on it's downward spiral... but what can we expect when even the White House no longer has a Christmas tree? President Bush announced that it would be a Holiday Tree. And there would be a Seasonal Party for the staff. No Christmas at the White House.


But apparently it is still quite acceptable to have Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, etc.


Next think to go will be Easter... if there can't be a birth, how can there be a death???


Well folks, I just gotta put in my :2cents: here. I hate political correctness for ANY reason. And IMHO BOTH sides are very wrong here. Anyone who feels we need to be forced to not say Merry Christmas 'cause it may offend someone deserves any offense they get. And conversely, anyone who makes a point into automatically taking offense at whatever they hear without knowing the offense was intended probably deserves the same.


Ya see, "Happy Holidays" was said way back in the '50s and '60s, LONG before people were on the PC kick (and probably earlier, but I wasn't alive then to verify it). At least in those days, it wasn't said because Merry Christmas was "bad", it was just a variation in a pleasant greeting. Kinda like I may say "hello", "howdy", or "good morning", with no particular reason for choosing one over the other. So don't assume when somebody says it they are your enemy.


I know that in this particular case the company confirmed that they were specifically being PC, so they probably do deserve your disgust, but don't apply that to everyone without knowing. I guess all I am asking for is a little tolerance and personal respect, no matter what your personal beliefs may be.


So Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, or simply Ride Safe! Let's all just try to enjoy the season!!



It does not matter to me whatsoever. Either way will do. Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas is just perfect for me. What is most important to me is the thought that was conveyed from family and friends.


Enjoy the Holiday Season with loved ones.



It does not matter to me whatsoever. Either way will do. Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas is just perfect for me.


"Happy Holidays" is a very nice greeting. I don't see why people get their panties in a wad because they don't say it to suit them.


I believe the point being here is not whether you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays but more so the intent of the issue. No matter what your personal belief system might be the only reason we take off and practically shut the nation down on December 25th is due to a religious celebration. The birth of Jesus is the focal point for the holiday just as the first day of the new year is the reason we celebrate New Years Day. You may not think that much of Martin Luther King however again with out him and his contribution to society we would not take another day off in mid January. The point here is that when PCism dictates policy and forces individuals to maintain any particular position, then the lines of personal freedom are trampled on. Say what you want (with in reason I hope), but lets not forget why it is that we celebrate this particular day. Thanks for the thread!

  eazyduzzit said:
"Happy Holidays" is a very nice greeting. I don't see why people get their panties in a wad because they don't say it to suit them.


its because there are folks that want nothing but a secular United States and this is but another step in getting there. all other religions are fine, christians are not. If your not a christian fine, I'm alittle tolerant, but you've got no right, as a minority, to change it for the majority just because you happen to be "offended"

  • 4 years later...

I must agree, the holiday is for one purpose. The birth of JESUS, it was never a happy holiday when I grew up and it does not make sence calling it a happy holiday. I understand the different views, but when in Rome do what the Romans do! This country needs to get back to it's roots and the roots it started with is what made this country great. As a old Vet this PC crap is not a healthy thing. Where does it stop!!! I suppose if I declared a holiday of dog poop, then you should respect my holiday or of killing worm day. Sounds pretty stupid, but we are not that far away as we where at one time. And to tell you the honest truth this is not the country I served and the truth be told I am sure that 90% of the Vet's would tell you the same thing. It is not a time of year to have a bad attitude, but let us not forget why Christmas is Christmas. GOD BLESS TO ALL AND MERRY CHRISTMAS,JIM

  Arcs&Sparks said:
its because there are folks that want nothing but a secular United States and this is but another step in getting there. all other religions are fine, christians are not. If your not a christian fine, I'm alittle tolerant, but you've got no right, as a minority, to change it for the majority just because you happen to be "offended"


I got your back, Jim


Happy Holidays became popular in 1942 when Bing Crosby performed the song written by Irving Berlin in the Holiday movie "White Christmas". It then became popular to say "Happy Holidays" For no other reason then to wise others well for the holidays. Had nothing to do with the BS going on today. So... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT. Stop sweating the small sh.... stuff and enjoy the Holidays, whatever your beliefs.

  blue mtn. jim said:
I must agree, the holiday is for one purpose. The birth of JESUS. I understand the different views, but when in Rome do what the Romans do! This country needs to get back to it's roots and the roots it started with is what made this country great. As a old Vet this PC crap is not a healthy thing. And to tell you the honest truth this is not the country I served and the truth be told I am sure that 90% of the Vet's would tell you the same thing. It is not a time of year to have a bad attitude, but let us not forget why Christmas is Christmas. GOD BLESS TO ALL AND MERRY CHRISTMAS,JIM


IMHO, Jim,, and others, hit the nail on the head.. PCism (being forced to refrain from offending someone politically) is just another way to get "we the people" to quietly surrender more of our freedoms found in the very "roots" of the original idea our founding fathers had... Tell you what, those founding fathers offended a TON of people in what they did, and what they did is STILL offending many many people!!

Maintaining their ideals has not been easy or cheap. Many many people have spilled their blood to begin and insure that our way of life, defined by the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution, is something that will be available for many generations to come..

I, personally, am thankful for each and everyone one of our military guys/girls who have/are willing to defend our constitutional rights and the continuance of our Democracy.

Due to our 1st Amendment (freedom of speech/religion), I love this time of year, I can openly celebrate my faith and I get to proclaim Merry Christmas at will.. To me, when I do so I am not just celebrating Christmas, I am also celebrating our Constitutional Rights,, kinda like I do when I shoot my gun during the 4th of July, ride my bike to a rally to protest something I dont agree with, vote in elections, or go to bed at night KNOWING that "authorities" cant just break into my home while I am sleeping and search my home..


So, that being said, I wish everyone a MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A FANTASTIC NEW YEAR!! :bighug:


Oh yea, like already mentioned, VOTE IN THE 2014 MID-TERMS,,, maybe even reread the Declaration of Independence/Constitution/Bill of Rights before ya do - it is REALLY interesting!!!!!



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