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Noteing home city

Venturous Randy

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We have about 130 members that list Tennessee as their home state. About 53 of these folks do not list a city in their profile. I am curious as to why so many people did not list their city. Are they concerned about giving out this basic information on a public website?:confused24:

I was just looking at how many members we may have in the east Tennessee area and with over 40% not listing their city, I am not sure how many may be from here.


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The same thing is true here in GA, as well, Randya!


My observation is that some folks, when they first arrive at this Forum, are reasonably reluctant to provide any more information than is absolutely necessary. I do wish that everyone that has come to find this site as a healthy and happy place to interact with family and friends, whether met or unmet, would consider going back into their Profiles and updating them with more information.



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We have about 130 members that list Tennessee as their home state. About 53 of these folks do not list a city in their profile. I am curious as to why so many people did not list their city. Are they concerned about giving out this basic information on a public website?:confused24:

I was just looking at how many members we may have in the east Tennessee area and with over 40% not listing their city, I am not sure how many may be from here.



Maybe there afraid your gonna show up for supper.....LOL :rotf:

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The same thing is true here in GA, as well, Randya!


My observation is that some folks, when they first arrive at this Forum, are reasonably reluctant to provide any more information than is absolutely necessary. I do wish that everyone that has come to find this site as a healthy and happy place to interact with family and friends, whether met or unmet, would consider going back into their Profiles and updating them with more information.




I've never been on a forum before this one. When I signed up, I was a little nervous, ok, a lot nervous, to put any info out there. Didn't take me long to figure out that these are some of the best people who would do anything for you.

A couple months ago I updated my profile. If anyone one of them were in our area and needed help....Gary and I would be honored!

Best thing about the bunch on here is they'll help to keep me from going crazy before all the snow melts and we can climb back on our bikes and have the wind in our face again!!!

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Funny that I was thinking the same thing just the other day. I've sent emails to upcoming M&E to the folks within the reasonable distance. Without a city, it is difficult. I think most comments are riight about the reasons the city wasn't initially put in the profile. How bout taking a look at your profile and updating the city. Heck, you can never tell, we may be there for supper.

I am still in Virginia Beach, VA and it is cold this morning.

MIKE aka Uturn


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Everytime I arrange a Meet & Eat, I too go through the same pain staking effort.

It is a PIT-butt...trying to figure out where (or how close) someone lives to where the M&E will be held.

I usually open two VR.Org pages at the same time...

one to search the members list and the other I use to send a member an inviation through email..

Once I find someone who is close to where the M&E will be held, I transfer over to the other VR page, and send that person an invite in a p-email..then I go back to the first page and search to find another member who lives close to where the M&E will be held...

This is so time consuming and those who dont know what goes on behind the screen will never understand how much of a PIT-butt it is..

I have asked several times for members to please add thier home city to thier profile.

Just think...if you added your city, you just might be invited to attend a M&E some day where you could meet up with some other VR members...

dang, now who woulda thought..:whistling:

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What I think is worse , new (and older) members not listing what type of ride they have in their profile under their username . Though a lot of of us are more than happy and willing to answer any tech questions they may have , we don't know what they ride !

If a member is worried about being private , there are among other ways one can get information from them such as their IP address , Google , etc...... I just got a Christmas card from a friend whom I have not heard of in quite some years now . Though I have his return address , for a small some , I can retrieve a wealth on info. about him off the net.

At least I know some others off on other forums , use a town nearby within rock throwing distance . It gives at least a general idea as to when the potential get together info. needed to make some judgment calls .

Come on guys and post your wear abouts or nearby location , it's not like we are trying to find out where the "missing link" is , We all know it's Charlie ! :big-grin-emoticon:




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I agree with all - especially Eck. California being as large and spread out as it is, I find it would really be helpful to have a general idea (as Beer was saying) to know where some of the members are. This 2008 year, I helped out sending out invites - in addition to our threads on this site - and if anything, knowing a proximity (for me, even something as simple as Nor/Central/ So Cal) would make it easier to plan our meet and eats. Just my rambling two cents.

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Tennessee is a bit like California. I live in north east Tennessee and I am physically closer, as the crow flies, to Canada than I am to Memphis. If nothing else, list the part of the state you are located in, as Lone Eagle suggested.

It is not like we are going to turn you in to America's Most Wanted" or something(unless there is a big reward...maybe even a little reward-more chrome). Or if you really want to tell us where you live, you can go to Google Earth and give us the EXACT coordinates of your front porch.


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We have about 130 members that list Tennessee as their home state. About 53 of these folks do not list a city in their profile. I am curious as to why so many people did not list their city. Are they concerned about giving out this basic information on a public website?:confused24:

I was just looking at how many members we may have in the east Tennessee area and with over 40% not listing their city, I am not sure how many may be from here.



You think that's bad try looking at California or Texas. I don't know if it can actually be done with little effort... like throw a switch somewhere, but making a lot of the registration info mandatory might be the answer. I've seen other sites that have some log in info part mandatory and part optional.??? And I agree, it seems like it wouldn't be that much of a problem to list the city..... unless of course you're wanted by the FBI.....:rotf:

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In the mid 90s when I first got on the internet, a neighbor was showing me how to get connected and he said "never ever put where you are in your profile". he made it sound so ominous that for years I didn't. Others have peobably been given that kind of warning too. Especially with the fear mongering going on the last few years.


I'm from East Tennessee too(Knoxville). When I joined this group, I tried to find some riding buddies on here by looking at the profiles and found (the same as you did) that many didn't list their city.

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They are hiding from you Eck, they have heard all the stories about you not being able to catch a UPS truck..............:rotf::rotf:


Everytime I arrange a Meet & Eat, I too go through the same pain staking effort.


It is a PIT-butt...trying to figure out where (or how close) someone lives to where the M&E will be held.


I usually open two VR.Org pages at the same time...

one to search the members list and the other I use to send a member an inviation through email..


Once I find someone who is close to where the M&E will be held, I transfer over to the other VR page, and send that person an invite in a p-email..then I go back to the first page and search to find another member who lives close to where the M&E will be held...


This is so time consuming and those who dont know what goes on behind the screen will never understand how much of a PIT-butt it is..


I have asked several times for members to please add thier home city to thier profile.


Just think...if you added your city, you just might be invited to attend a M&E some day where you could meet up with some other VR members...

dang, now who woulda thought..:whistling:

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They are hiding from you Eck, they have heard all the stories about you not being able to catch a UPS truck..............:rotf::rotf:



I have since then "waxed" my bike and it runs a lot better now...Im sure I can not only keep up with the UPS truck but I could probubly beat it...(in a straight stretch)...:rasberry:


All joking aside here Lewis, but I even made a map of Alabama, then went into every Alabama members profile to see what city they lived in and I placed a dot on the map on the town that member lived in. Now note I did not place their name, but only a dot to show that a VR member lived in that city / town. I tried to populate the map to show me WHERE the majority of VR members lived at in Alabama..This way I could pick a town / city to hold a meet & eat and get the biggest bang for my buck if you will...

It didnt take me long to figure out I was wasting my time because so many Alabama folks didnt list the city or town they lived in..


I would like to suggest that we make and add here on the site a USA map..and each of us go to it and populate our home state map showing where you as a VR member live..no need for any names, but just a "dot" or symbol to show where one lives.

This could also be done as part of NEW sign ups to the site and those of us already signed up here can just go to it and update / populate it..


NOW, when "anyone" wanting to plan a rally or M&E, he or she would be able to "click" on the USA map to see where the most VR members would be located and know "WHERE" there would be a stronger possibility of a larger turn out for their rally or M&E.


Hey, just thinking out of my box again... Ill go back inside now..:whistling:



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when you go to visit my Profile at starvmax.com, you can see this Google Map Feature implemented in the Website ...




I don't care about it, but it seems to be handy for other Members there. I realy don't know how to implement that. But it seems to work at least with Town or Zipcode.

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Maybe Don could implement a map on the site showing member cities......likely too much work to get that done, but it would sure help...........


By the way Eck.........I just cant resist:stickpoke:,when it comes to the UPS truck..........


Merry Christmas to you and yours buddy............


Lewis & Charlene

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Well I added myself to the VR pam, and I noticed there are only 4 Alabama members who are on this map..


It sure would be nice if everyone in Alabama would take the time to go in and add thier name so we know where the best place would be to have a good M&E :whistling:

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On mine I put the State where the city goes. On the ones that has the city only I have to go to their profile to see which state the city belongs in. I would like to see everyone would put the abbreviations for their state after their city.... or maybe Don could do that to where the state shows up on their posts each time....:2cents:

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They are hiding from you Eck, they have heard all the stories about you not being able to catch a UPS truck..............:rotf::rotf:



I have since then "waxed" my bike and it runs a lot better now...Im sure I can not only keep up with the UPS truck but I could probubly beat it...(in a straight stretch)...:rasberry:


All joking aside here Lewis, but I even made a map of Alabama, then went into every Alabama members profile to see what city they lived in and I placed a dot on the map on the town that member lived in. Now note I did not place their name, but only a dot to show that a VR member lived in that city / town. I tried to populate the map to show me WHERE the majority of VR members lived at in Alabama..This way I could pick a town / city to hold a meet & eat and get the biggest bang for my buck if you will...

It didnt take me long to figure out I was wasting my time because so many Alabama folks didnt list the city or town they lived in..


I would like to suggest that we make and add here on the site a USA map..and each of us go to it and populate our home state map showing where you as a VR member live..no need for any names, but just a "dot" or symbol to show where one lives.

This could also be done as part of NEW sign ups to the site and those of us already signed up here can just go to it and update / populate it..


NOW, when "anyone" wanting to plan a rally or M&E, he or she would be able to "click" on the USA map to see where the most VR members would be located and know "WHERE" there would be a stronger possibility of a larger turn out for their rally or M&E.


Hey, just thinking out of my box again... Ill go back inside now..:whistling:



hey eck, guess you just about got that bike ready to tangle with a fedex truck. you ain't never gonna live that one down. here's a tip. those damn whitewall tires are slowing you down. you and the boss have a merry christmas. love ya buddy. bill :rasberry: :2133:
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when you go to visit my Profile at starvmax.com, you can see this Google Map Feature implemented in the Website ...




I don't care about it, but it seems to be handy for other Members there. I realy don't know how to implement that. But it seems to work at least with Town or Zipcode.

hey lutz, have a great christmas, and drink a few of them warm beers for me. your good buddy bill. :2133:
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