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Now I can see what I missed!! I think I rode past you guys last night when you laid over in Smithfield!!

Great Pics, thanks for sharing.:thumbsup2: Craig


PS, hows that "hummingbird" doin?


The hummingbird has definitely nestled in and is doing great. :happy-emoticon: After complete healing, the colors are more vibrant than I had counted on! It really healed nicely, I never had any scabbing, so Sleeperhawk took great care of me!:bighug:


Yeah, I can see that the cold weather slooooooooows down the picture taking. :stirthepot:

Great pics. I had a great time, would leave my house in 16* weather again for another M&E with this bunch.:clap2:


Only problem I see with all these photos is that not one of them have ME in it....

sniff, tear, sniff........:bawling:

Like Squidley, I too wish I could have been there..!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sign13:


Had a great time and enjoyed the company hope I can make it next time also.



Every time I think about what a bike would look like in yellow I get turned off. Every time I see a bike painted yellow I think it looks cool. Go figure...?? Very nice job.. :thumbsup2:

Had a great time and enjoyed the company hope I can make it next time also.


Well do you think you're gonna make the Jan 3rd meet? Cause that's the next one. Hope so.




Great pics as always Bobbie. What a great time we had, how I wish I could make the M&E on Jan 3rd. Hopefully the TN M&E works out for Feb or Mar and we can ride down and who them how its done.:whistling:

Great pics, had to be cause I was in some of 'em...HEHEHE


MIKE aka Uturn


They are great pics! We make a cute couple, huh, Uturn? Thanks for putting the M/E together.

Thanks Bobby, for always catching so much of it on the camera.

Bug and I had a blast and the ride home was wild! It was our first bike blizzard experience.

It was great seeing you all and meeting some new friends. Can't wait for the Jan. ride!

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