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I have a 86 venture and the problem is I can't get spark returning to the spark plugs. Myself and Dokon have replaced the coils, plugs, the tips on the wire into the plugs, I think it is called the ignition coils ( what goes under the battery box that the coils plug into). We have tried everything it seems we get spark going on but coiming out we get nothing so the bike won't start. Took it to my bike mechanic and he again replaced the coils which I told him I already replaced. He told me that was the problem since no spark was coming down to the plugs. Well he fried the replaced ignitor box and I guess the circuit box in it. He is now stumped and said he doesn't know what it might be and I might have to use it as a part bike. Go figure I only have 100,000 miles on it so I am asking if anyone has had this problem I don't want to park my bike out I love it. He said they only other thing it might be is a bad short on the bike somewhere.




You said he fried the TCI? Not good. I would pull the emergency inhibit line Black/White wire from the TCI plug. This is on the pickup coil side of TCI and see if it fires or starts.Take a dental pick or small screwdriver and release push in the locking ear on plug connector and it will pull out the back. If it fires up you need to check side stand switches,clutch lever switch,tip over switch etc. You might have intermittent connections on the pickup coil plug or bad pickup coil. It sounds like you need a working TCI just to start.


Pull the TWO, Plugs from the TCI.


Find the R/W wire, going into one of them. Turn Key ON, check for 12 Volts on the R/W wire.


Each Coil, has a 2 wire Plug going to it. One of them is R/W -- Key on check for voltage on the R/W wire . WHEN YOU HAVE THIS PLUG DISCONNECTED, DO A RESISTANCE CHECK THRU THE IGNITION COIL PRIMARY WINDING. (( SEE PAGE 7-30 FOR THIS CHECK )), Primary winding should read---- 2.4 to 3.0 OHMS. They usually read about 3 to 3.5, but thats OK.



Check voltage, on Both sides of the Ignition Fuse''' 15 Amp. WITH A VOLT METER.

If you did it before, do it again. ( stupid was working on your bike and maby fried something )


See, page 7-133 of Service manual. See item #10 ( the RUN - STOP SWITCH )

Follow the Pig tail From the Switch to a pull apart connector, behind the headlight.

Open the Plug. Do a Resistance check Thru the Run Stop Switch, IS IT SHORT WHEN SWITCH IN RUN POSITION, AND OPEN IN THE STOP POSITION.

ie; if switch is bad, you have NO Voltage to the TCI, and to the Coils !!!!!


BAD RUN STOP SWITCH'S ARE COMMON--. Spray down the Switch with CRC 2-26 electrical contact cleaner, that might fix it.




Check out the Circuit to the Side Stand Switch. -- If the Side Stand Switch is BAD, then the " Side Stand Switch RELAY " will not Pull !!! IF SO, then you do not get a Ground to the B/W wire goiing tothe 6 Pin Plug of the TCI. IF NO Ground to the B/W wire, the TCI WILL NOT WORK. !!!!


On the 6 Pin TCI plug, there is a Black Wire, that goes to Ground. Make sure its getting a ground.


You have an Emergency ROLL OVER SWITCH, its mounte, above the Instrument Panel. Find it. Foll the cable from it, and do Resistance Check of the Switch PER page 7-33 of the Service manual.

If this Switch is BAD, it will keep the TCI from getting Voltage.



There is a 5 Wire Cable Running FROM, the Pick up coiles located, under the Stator Cover. Follow it to the 6 Pin Plug of the TCI. ( Small wires wraped with black tape ) About 1/2 way to the TCI you will find a Pull Apart Plug-- Its located just about under your left knee as you sit on the Bike. OPEN the Plug, Clean it with Elecrical contact Cleaner,

Re install the Plug and Do a Resistance check THRU each of the 5 Connectors. You must see Zero Ohms, or Dead Short Thru the Plug on all 5 connectore ( No AMOUNT OF RESISTANCE ABOVE ZERO OHME IS ACCEPTABLE )


----Now follow the instructions, on page 7-31 of service, manual and Do a Resistance check Thru the Pick Up Coils. Open the above plug again, and measure the resistance as called on 7-31 ie: pickup Coil Resistance


CAREFULLY CHECK THE 15 AMP IGNITION FUSE PRONGS, ARE THEY MAKING GOOD CONTACT TO THE FUSE??? Use a Volt meter, and measure the Voltage on each side of the fuse holder, wher the Wire is Soldered to the HOLDER''''WITHOUT PUTTING ANY PRESSURE ON THE PRONGS THAT HOLD THE FUSE.


If you even Suspect the fuse holder is Squirely, the Raplace it with and IN-Line fuse for the Time being.


If you do not have a Service Manual, its avialable for download, or viewing ON THIS WEBSITE


If you don't have a good digital volt/ohm meter, you will need to get one.



Let me know what you find, and we can go from there. :thumbsup:


Thanks for all the replies so here is my update we tried all the answers from everyone and am sad to say it did't work. This is what I just got from my mechanic who is a great guy and awesome mechanic. The coils are not being allowed to discharge. They are building voltage and not allowing to fire, which is causing the secondary tower to get fried. There is no spec for the plug wires (which could be a cause,very unlikely for all of them to fail at the same time). The only thing that controls the coil is the TCI unit and the p/u coils(that tested good). He said he is back to square one and now we have no ides whats going on with it. If anyone has any ideas please let me know and thanks for all the help so far. Guess my next step might be to have to part it out on ebay and I hate to do that.:95:



Do not part out the bike if it is in good shape. Someone will be able to help you. If the plastic is nice and the bags are good the electrical CAN be fixed. It sounds like a short circuit to a component as opposed to a bad part. Wish it was down here in Texas. I have an entire 1986 parts bike with spark. Don't give up.




The TCI, supplies the Ground, --- TO --- the Primary winding of the Coils, to Fire the Plug. This ground, is a short, Pulsed, ground signal.


So , IF , all 4 coils are NOT fireing the plugs, then the Trouble has to be the TCI itself, OR, the Fireing Signal comeing from the Pickup Coils.


Are you sure he checked the Pickup coiles properly ??


Also, the Plug enroute to the pickup coils has been a source of this very problem.


Did he Check, the Cable from the 6 PIN TCI Plug, Every Inch of the way, down to the pick up coiles. There might be some Cable Damage. ( slight possibility )


Ignition fuse, IS NOT, blowing-- Correct ???


Do you have the Service Manual ?? If not print out page 7-25 thru 7-33 for your mechanic to work, from if he wants to take another shot at it.


However it does sound like your TCI is fryed. ( sorry to have to say that. ) Start looking on E-Bay. They do turn up there, from time to time.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well after a time my mechanic called up and he told me the problem. This is for anyone who ever has this problem it won't cost you 650.00 bucks. Well it seems the blue wire behind the headlight which I am told is the relay that works the kickstand. Well it seems there was a drop of water between the relay which I am told is a good conductor. Seems the drop was between where the relay closes thus not letting them connect and make contact. So when he cleaned the relay (water drop) the bike started right up and is running. So if this happens check and make sure it doesn't have water between the connector or it could cost you alot for a little. And I would like to thank my mechanic Hank for finding the needle in the haystack. Hope this helps everyone else. Also thanks to all my fellow venture riders for helping we are a great group and very helpful to one another. And a big thanks to Earl.


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