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I don't usually write letters or post things like this but I have to this time. I purchased a Zumo 550 about 18 months ago and I've loved it. It's been great and done everything I could have wanted. A couple weeks ago I took a trip to Florida and on the trip I had my first problem. The unit locked up and I couldn't get it to do anything. I tried all the usual stuff like pulling the battery and doing a hard reset but nothing worked. When I got home I called Garmin for some help. We went through all the steps again and it was obvious I would have to send it in. The unit was out of warranty so I was just hoping it wouldn't cost too much. The Garmin rep. said she had heard of this happening before but it was very rare and she'd never heard of it with the Zumo. She said it was obvious I hadn't done anything wrong so she was going to cover the repair under warranty anyway. (I hadn't requested that, she just offered) I thanked her and sent it off last week. I expected to have a repaired unit some time around Christmas if I was lucky because of the season, vacations etc. I had no complaints because after all they were doing this for free when they didn't have to. When I got home yesterday I had a brand new unit waiting for me. :banana: They even loaded the most current version of maps so I don't have to purchase them.




There and back in one week!! Over the holidays!!! FOR FREE!!!!! Now that's what I call customer service.



The Zumo 550 is already the best bike GPS out there and with this type of service I have really become a loyal customer. With the differences in GPS systems becomming less and less, this is what will continue to keep Garmin as the leader.



Just had to let you all know.


It is because of feedback from members here that I also chose to go with Garmin. Today my Ram Mount arrived and it fits my bike perfectly. My Garmin GPS is on its way and should be here by Friday. I ordered the Street Pilot 2720.


I still plan to keep my Google Map directions(on paper) as a back-up for my out-of-State Patriot Guard Ride Missions.


The upside for me is no more grease pencil directions on the windshield! LOL!


And yes it certainly appears that Garmin stands solidly behind its product and is very Customer Service oriented!!:clap2::sign isnt that spec:thumbsup2:


They replaced mine 2 months ago when it started acting up. It's out of warrenty and when I called tech support they told me that they had problems with some units doing what mine was doing and that they would replace it free of charge. I mailed my old one back that same day with the RA # and had a brand new (or rebuilt) one in 5 days.


I'll always buy Garmin from now on.

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