Guest johnnyf.hero Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Probably not a new brilliant revelation for anyone, but here's my story: Yesterday after work I took my 84 Venture Standard out for a short ride on some back roads to unwind a bit. Heading down a road I was exploring I hear a couple of dogs start barking. No big deal, I think. Then out of the corner of my left eye I see this big Weimeraner running towards me. I assumed (bad idea to assume, you know) that he would stop at the edge of the street and keep barking, or maybe even turn and run parallel to the bike until he got tired (I was going maybe 25-30 mph at the time). But no, this big dumb animal has the mindset of a center linebacker on a pursuit angle for an open-field tackle and runs straight into the side of my bike! Now I am no expert in what to do in this kind of situation. I didn't swerve to the right (away from the approaching dog) as there was a ditch and no shoulder, nor did I swerve to the left (towards the dog), nor did I stop suddenly when I saw him approaching (as I had no way of knowing if he would try to use any of my limbs for a chew toy). So I just kept her steady and tried to hold my line and WHAM! 900 pounds of man and machine impact 100 pounds of dog with corresponding momentum. Then I bring the bike to a stop and turn on the hazards, and watch as my left side luggage box goes sliding down the road past me (finished side down of course, just like buttered toast I guess). I don't know if I forgot to lock it when I last put it on (83-85 luggage is detachable, you know) or if the dog hit it so hard that it just popped off. Either way, the impact was sufficient to bend the luggage guard on the left side back a full 2 inches. Fortunately the luggage box was not shattered, just scratched up and the reflector busted (anyone got a spare?) from it's 40 yard sled ride on the asphalt, so I put it back on the bike and turned around to see if anyone was home to inform them that I was able to avoid being tackled by their idiot football player wannabe dog, and to see if the big lug was still alive. The dog was nowhere in sight, but I did talk to the owner who offered to pay for damages to my bike (nice guy really--just needs a fence!) and gave me his cell number. I talked to him later last night and low and behold "Duke" showed up back at the house--bruised up, but amazingly not crippled. I guess the lesson learned here is, never assume that a dumb animal has the good sense NOT to try and tackle your bike! By the way, any suggestions on what I could have done to avoid this Kamikaze Weimeraner? I'd rather not have a similar repeat experience in the future!
BuddyRich Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 The best way to deal with a dog running at you is to change speed. He is running on a course to intercept you and cannot change direction that quickly. Slow a bit if you have the time, He will change course then open it up all the way and the dog generally won't be able to catch you as he won't be able to change direction fast enough because he's at a dead run. If the dog just seems to appear out of nowhere and you only have a few seconds then drop a gear and nail it. They probably won't be able to catch the bike.
tiny84 Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 I've never dealt with this yet but I read something by an MSF instructor saying the best idea he has had was altering speed suddenly slow down a bit so the dog alters direction for a new intercept course and then goose the throttle. the increas of speed can cause the dog to miss you and the sudden loud pipes might discourage any further attempt against you and your bike. again I've never run into this so I can't speak to how well this plan would work.
mini-muffin Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 We got a reflector for ya. PM me your address and we'll get it in the mail probably thursday since wed is a holiday. bongobob should have a crash bar as well. Margaret
muffinman Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 I find that a 45 auto works real well on dogs that like to chase my bike. But not in the city limits. You have to be carfull out there it seems that 4 legged animals like to cross the path of a motorcycle (deer,bear,dogs) . Jeff
Kregerdoodle Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Dito... to what Buddy said...... normally works well, I have got bit on the leg... but I didn`t see Dog number 2...
juggler Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 The best way to deal with a dog running at you is to change speed. He is running on a course to intercept you and cannot change direction that quickly. Slow a bit if you have the time, He will change course then open it up all the way and the dog generally won't be able to catch you as he won't be able to change direction fast enough because he's at a dead run. If the dog just seems to appear out of nowhere and you only have a few seconds then drop a gear and nail it. They probably won't be able to catch the bike. This own't work for Weimeraner's. They can chase down and catch rabbits. The owner of the company I work at has one of these dogs. He brings it with his other dog to work everyday. When he gets out to the parking lot he lets the dog run. It takes off like a bullet and can change course like a super ball bouncing off a wall. I'm guessing these dogs don't have enough sense to not run head first into a wall.
Jerry W Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Glad you came out unhurt and the dogs owner offered to pay for damages. A lot of folks would have said "ain't my freakin' dog".
GeorgeS Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 Was going down gravel road in Minn. near my farm. Lots of loose gravel. I'm tooling along about 25, basicly just sight seeing. Passing a house in woods, close to road. I see a Big Guy getting out of his pick up truck and German Shepard following him out of the Truck. Anyway the Guy see's me comeing down the road, and I actually saw him Command the Dog to chase Me. !!! He used Hand Signals. Frankly at seeing this I was Amazed !! The guy must have been a motorcycle hater . The Dog takes off down the short drive after me as I pass the end of the drive way, me about 25 mph and the Dog Flat Out. So I slow down more, and let the Dog Catch up to about 25 feet behind me. Dog Owner now running down the drive way. Still commanding the Dog to Attack. I down shift to 2nd and floor board it. Gravel and stones Flying backwards hit the Dog Square in the Snout !! Dog, crashe's, head over heals, Owner witness's the entire episode, while Still commanding the dog to chase the motorcycle. Dog finally Stops, I come to a near stop, looking back at the guy, who is now Screaming at top of his lungs and curseing me !!! Anyway I get going, again, and to this day, I will never understand what that guy was thinking. I hated to do that to the dog, however, the guy asked for it. Needless to say, I never went down that road again. Anyway, thats, my dog/motorcycle story.
chabicheka Posted July 3, 2007 Posted July 3, 2007 exact thing happened to me years ago, me driving back to toronto from myrtle beach. it was an open area...farmland kind of....and there was this house about 200 yds in, from the highway i was on. i caught a glimpse of a dog running the same direction i was going, except he kept coming towards the highway. i didnt think much of it...thought he will probably stop soon. no way....the damn thing seemed to have a date with my front bumper, and BANG! he headbutted the side of my bumper before i could take any evasive action. amazed at how he timed his run to meet me about a half mile away from his home....and i must be doing over 60 mph. well....i wasnt going to stop to see if his master owned a shotgun. stopped at the next service station, and sure enough, there was some doggy hair and some dried blood on the bumper. sure hope the dog survived, but i doubt it.
jonesy Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 Shepard used to come after me, changed speed and always he missed me. One day car coming between me and him, changed speed and when he came out he got hit by car, never chased me again.
Squidley Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 We were riding with 99Sliver (Gary Frase) and a dog did the same thing to him. It went for his fork tube and he nailed it, threw it about 15 feet through the air. He didn't have much time to react, and didn't try to avoid it. Took out his lower left cowling and some other plastic pieces. Amazingly the dog was still alive after being hit at 45 mph, I agree...sometimes they just aren't too bright
Moakster Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 My son and I were traveling down a country highway(55MPH) in a new housing edition. As we were passing a large gated driveway a Spitz came running out after me. I slowed and accelerated away but my son was not so lucky. The Spitz missed me and turned on my son who was riding a 750 Vulcan. The dog just stopped in the lane and gave my son no time to react. He ran straight over the dog and maintained control of his bike even after going airborne after hitting the dog. There was no hope for the Spitz. We found a name and phone number on the dog and called and left a message. It makes me made that a young dog had to die because some owner did not take the steps to take care of their animal.
Yammer Dan Posted July 12, 2007 Posted July 12, 2007 Had large Shepard few years ago that would chase me every evening on way home from work on one lane back road. He tore up a few pair of jeans and owner thought it was funny. Wore 16 inch Line boots at the time so he didn't do much else. Caught him just right one evening and placed boot under his chin as I was going lot faster than usual trying to miss him. He was still lying in ditch next time I went by there. Owner never said a word.
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