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I ask this because I got a ticket on my bike today. I was in light to moderate traffic, and was driving the traffic rather than watching the speedo. A motorcycle cop got me for 41 in a 25 mph zone. :no-no-no: I truthfully thought it was 35, but that's not the issue. :doh:


For the cop and the city of Myrtle Beach, it's all about the speed limit. They are determined to make it difficult for bikers in the city properby ticketing every possible infraction. I'm not upset with the cop mind you, he's just doing his job the way he's been told to do it. In fact he was almost apologetic about it and reminded me 3 times that if I will show up on the court date he could help me out.


I've talked to other officers (friends) before in other situations and they have pretty much all said the same thing: In the car, they're more inclined to do the speed limit and watch the speedo more often; when on the bike, in heavier traffic, they do what I was doing....tend to drive the traffic rather than the speedometer. And there is the rub! Darned if you do and darned if you don't.


Around here, moreso than other places, for many reasons, if you rigidly stick to the speed limits, you're gonna make people mad and/or get run over or into or off the road! I was over the posted limit, yes, but I feel I was safer doing it. That's not to say I disregard the speed limits altogether, I'm just more concerned with the traffic, when on the bike.


So, what is your opinion or practice? Speed limit or traffic? What do you use as your guide?


5 miles over the limit. On the interstates....if its terribly busy like around the major cities I will travel with the flow of traffic. Other wise over the limit slightly and let those that want to pass...pass.


I usually go with the flow of the traffic , that's if it's over the posted speed limit . But in School Zones , I'm on or slightly below the schools zone limit . I give Kids a Brake .


I also got pulled today as well , but not like the last 6 times in the past where the LEO's just wanted to check out my leather . In our County , the deputies don't stop speeders . They only serve warrants or domestic disputes , but not today . I got pulled doing 66 in a 55 . When the officer pulled me over and approached the scoot , I still had my helmet on . I knew the deputy personally . He did not recognize and he said , " Son , I followed you fro 1.5 miles and were doing a steady 70 mph" . I said with my helmet and sun shades on , "Like Hell I was ...... , I was doing 66 mph" . Then I said , "Is this pick on MC rider day" ? And he replied ,"No". Then asked why I made that statement . . I replied , "then how fast was that car that passed me right before you pulled me ?" . It seems to me that you think that MC riders are easy prey and have more $$$. Still with my helmet on , he persisted I was doing 70 and that he just had his speedo calibrated . I then told him , I did give a sh*t what his speedo said , as I have a GPS , and it was more accurate that a mechanical speedo . So I asked him , "then how fast does a donut roll downhill" ! The look on his face !!!!:rotf: Then I removed my helmet , and he said ," %@+*&! you Gene , If I knew it was you , I wouldn't have pulled you ". Well , I said back to him , "Well , you did " . He told me that he already radio'd me in , but he would have to give me a warning ticket . I said that was cool , and he said he needed my registration . It was in my trunk of the scoot , along with several pistols . I told the deputy that I had loaded pistols in my trunk , and he replied , " I already knew that I was packing " . But never the less , Thanked me for letting him know . He wrote me the warning ticket , then proceeded tocheck out my scoot . Funny , after knowing him for 14 years now , he didn't know that I had a scoot ! But yet he frequents our shop at least once a month , with the scoot parked out in front . How observant ? :confused24:


By the way , since NC is low on highway funds , the LEO's have been instructed into writing more speeding citations . Just this mourning , over 150 tickets were written in 1/2 hour on Hwy 24 in Jacksonville , NC . So not only is Big Brother wanting your hard earned money , so is the Little brother wanting it too . Watch your back and observe the speed limit .


And Autopilot , sure the officer will help you out in court . Help you pay that fine that is ! Had too many freinds that were told the same story , only to have that officer turn on them when they took the stand . And before I get trampled on by any LEO's here on the board , too say , I have a brother in law whom is a County sheriff , another whom is a deputy , father was a reserve officer , and ex-step dad whom was a Missouri MC trooper until he died of luekemia . Everyone of them told me , "Trust the law as much as you trust a crook" !




What is this "Speed Limit" you speak of??



I generally go with the flow, or are 5 - 10 over cage or bike in rural areas. In towns or cities I'm pretty much legal eagle for a couple of reasons. First there is a lot more potential danger of other drivewrs being stupid, which they generaly are. Second is the term "Speed Trap" which you seem to have stumbled upon yourself...


What is this "Speed Limit" you speak of??


That seems to be it around here lately. I go 10 mph over and get run over!!! they are flying !!

Whats up with that Skid???


What are you guys stopping now??

  bongobobny said:
What is this "Speed Limit" you speak of??



I generally go with the flow, or are 5 - 10 over cage or bike in rural areas. In towns or cities I'm pretty much legal eagle for a couple of reasons. First there is a lot more potential danger of other drivewrs being stupid, which they generaly are. Second is the term "Speed Trap" which you seem to have stumbled upon yourself...



Wasn't actually a speed trap. City has mandated increased enforcement on bikers, period! They've instituted 15 new ordinances, ramped up enforcement and are determined to eliminate the bike rally's by making life more difficult. (at least in Myrtle Beach proper). MB stepped out and started this junk and haven't gotten the rubber stamp support from either surrounding communities or the County. (serves them right....hope it bites them in the posterior) But, that's a different discussion! This particular instance was in a retail district with distinct & separate thru traffic & turn lanes.


Depends on what I'm riding or driving...in the car, open road, usually no more than 5 over; more congested, then with the flow. Definitely speed limit or less in school and construction zones, and do have a few "known" speed traps here in WI where I definitely drive a mile or two under the posted speed.


Riding the RSV, pretty much the same as in the car...backroads, in the twisties, maybe crank it up a little. FJR, I have to be careful...it's so easy to go fast on that thing and not know it. I did get pulled over last year on the FJR for being 15 over (70 in a 55)...good thing the Deputy Sheriff was 1) a rider, and 2) interested in the FJR. After he counseled me on being a little fast and gave me a warning, we spent the next 15 minutes talking about the bike. Plus I taking the helmet off and him seeing all my gray hair didn't hurt :).


I typically get pulled over once or twice a year while riding, but the speed infraction on the FJR was the first time on a bike in close to 20 years...what I usually get pulled over for is for either having a dark shield (down) on my full helmet or wearing sunglasses after dusk when wearing my 3/4 helmet. Have never got a ticket..face shield is easy, I promise to leave it up as my glasses count as eye protection...sunglasses I just offer to switch out, let the officer watch me do so, let him leave, and then I put the shades back on....I actually see better after dark with my prescription sunglasses than I do with the clear specs....I'd rather see CLEARLY, a little darker doesn't bother me.




Car or bike, I try not to run more than 7mph over the speed limit. I will stay with the flow of traffic through larger cities though, as like everyone else has said, it seems safer to stay with the flow than to be the slow one. However, that way of thinking is the reason everyone speeds in those areas to begin with. :confused24:


Here in town, the PD has been given the go-ahead to setup some speed traps in known areas. An e-mail went around recently here at work (not 100% sure on it's validity) that someone had been pulled over at one such area. She knew the cop so he let her off with a warning, but told her to pass the word that they'd be ticketing for anything over 7mph over the posted limit. So I guess the limit I've set for myself is just about right. :thumbsup2:


No more than 10mph over the posted speed limit anytime. And I always leave early enough to allow myself ample time to reach my destination if its something other than a casual ride.


Tickets are expensive in my neck of the woods!


Being simply courteous/polite to the Officer who stops me, plus being honest, has saved my bacon more than once when I wuz younger and harder on the throttle.


I believe Autopilot is talking of the Myrtle Beach area. I believe the strict enforcement on bikes is to deter the bike weeks they have during May. Apparently they had a little trouble last year and the city is a little tired of the bikers. Also, during the bike week with all the sport bikes, the city isn't taking in much revenue for the crowd that is there. In other words, they are not spending that money like the city thinks they should. So Myrtle Beach has come up with a plan for strict enforcement on bikes to deter them from having bike week in May. At least that was the last I heard.


If I told you I try to observe the speed limit I'll probably get called out by a few guys here in VentureRiders that have ridden with me. :innocent:


I got a ticket last summer and was picked out of the group who were all going the same speed. Had it coming since I was speeding and paid the ticket without complaint.


That said, I'm aware that the cops can pick out motorcycles for speeding tickets and have adjusted my habits accordingly.


If you think your local village ordinances are being discriminatory to motorcycles, :detective: then I would suggest that you contact the AMA for their assistance in perhaps intervening on the motorcyclists behalf. Ordinances that focus on noise and speed limits must be equally applied to all vehicles. The AMA has resolved discriminatory ordinances in many towns when pointed out that a federally funded road can not selectively punish a single class of motor vehicle. If a town is not held accountable for its discriminatory actions then we might as well live in Russia. If a car, truck, bus or a motorcycle are speeding or very loud then they all need a ticket not just the motorcycle.


My thought on the matter,




I usually ride speed limit, especially in town. On the interstate I will run with the flow of traffic, but try to keep it to posted speed limit in town. Speed trap or whatever, if I am going over the speed limit I am breaking the law and I am fair game for a ticket.


I usually ride up to 5 mph above the posted speed, but if the traffic is heavy, I prefer to go slightly faster than the flow. Seems to allow me to act instead of react to the cages better.

  Chinto said:
If you think your local village ordinances are being discriminatory to motorcycles, :detective: then I would suggest that you contact the AMA for their assistance in perhaps intervening on the motorcyclists behalf. Ordinances that focus on noise and speed limits must be equally applied to all vehicles. The AMA has resolved discriminatory ordinances in many towns when pointed out that a federally funded road can not selectively punish a single class of motor vehicle. If a town is not held accountable for its discriminatory actions then we might as well live in Russia. If a car, truck, bus or a motorcycle are speeding or very loud then they all need a ticket not just the motorcycle.


My thought on the matter,





There's a whole rash of things being done to try to stop the city. There's a couple of lawsuits, as well. I was serious though, in one fell swoop, they passed 15 ordinances relating to motorcycles and the rallies. They're changing vendor permitting, numbers of vendors & where. They set noise levels for bikes at 89dB @ 20 inches from the pipe (factory Harleys were failing at 87 (my 4 Cobra drag-pipes with baffles got by at 85dB. Helmets within city limits, etc. (that one was supposed to go into effect on 12/21, but go pushed back to Feb.(there's still questions about legality since the state doesn't require a helmet for adults. AND there's the mandated tighter enforcement on motorcycles.

  BuddyRich said:
He may be trying to "help you" by not showing up for court and you showing up. Then the ticket is dropped.

What do you mean showing up at court for your ticket?

Isn't a ticket an on-the-spot fine? Pay it and it's all over and done with.

Fight it at court and either get it thrown out, or cop a bigger penalty.

Gee you Yanks have some funny systems up there.:confused:


Speed Limit for me..I cant afford to get a ticket as 3 tickets in a lifetime and I have no Job. Company Policy. And No I have never had a speeding ticket.

  spear said:
What do you mean showing up at court for your ticket?

Isn't a ticket an on-the-spot fine? Pay it and it's all over and done with.

Fight it at court and either get it thrown out, or cop a bigger penalty.

Gee you Yanks have some funny systems up there.:confused:


Yeah, sometimes it is supposed to be "Innocent until proven guilty" but more and more it is "Guilty until proven innocent". If you have a person charge you with harrassment you get charged by the judge and fined without the person who charged you ever being there. If your guilty or not it doesn't matter the courts still make you pay "Court Costs". Its all just another big rip off by the "MAN" all in the name of justice, BULL.

  spear said:
What do you mean showing up at court for your ticket?

Isn't a ticket an on-the-spot fine? Pay it and it's all over and done with.

Fight it at court and either get it thrown out, or cop a bigger penalty.

Gee you Yanks have some funny systems up there.:confused:


Funny Systems???? In the USA you're entitled to a day in court to plead your case... Some places if the Cop don't show it gets dropped... Granted if it turns into your word against the cop 99% of the time you're going to be found guilty and pay the fine anyways... Some Jurisdictions will reduce the charge/fine just for showing up and giving up your right to trial... IE: speeding gets reduced to failure to obey signs... This also doesn't take as many if any points and will be less of an increase/surcharge on your insurance... Some places it really makes sense to show up... Fine gets reduced from $128.00 to $35.00... This happens in CT but not for Commercial vehicles only 4 wheelers and probably 2 definitely not 18 wheelers... Don't ask me how I know this... Fines are probably a lot more now this was over 15 years ago but just shown for example..


In this jurisdiction, the ticket (if I just pay it) is $185. By showing up at court, the amount is reduced and any points are reduced or eliminated. If the cop doesn't show, it gets tossed. If he does, he can effectively get the charge reduced to a lesser infraction.

  Ozark said:
I usually ride up to 5 mph above the posted speed, but if the traffic is heavy, I prefer to go slightly faster than the flow. Seems to allow me to act instead of react to the cages better.


I do this as well, as moving a little faster than the flow keeps me moving through the cage's blind spots, not stuck in them.


  autopilot said:
There's a whole rash of things being done to try to stop the city. There's a couple of lawsuits, as well. I was serious though, in one fell swoop, they passed 15 ordinances relating to motorcycles and the rallies. They're changing vendor permitting, numbers of vendors & where. They set noise levels for bikes at 89dB @ 20 inches from the pipe (factory Harleys were failing at 87 (my 4 Cobra drag-pipes with baffles got by at 85dB. Helmets within city limits, etc. (that one was supposed to go into effect on 12/21, but go pushed back to Feb.(there's still questions about legality since the state doesn't require a helmet for adults. AND there's the mandated tighter enforcement on motorcycles.


As I understand it, all of this is going on because they can't selectively stop "black bike week" which happens the week after bike week.


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