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As we prepare for this joyous occasion , May I say to everyone a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving . If you travel , please be safe on the roads . And if not traveling , please pray for those whom will be for a safe trip . Also if you can , please support your local soup kitchen , veterans hospital , Wounded Warriors , our Senior Citizens or church functions to help aid or donate for the less fortunate . This is the time to Thank the Man upstairs and your fellow brother/neighbor . So saying after I give Thanks , I'll be pigging out ! Pass the Giblets , PLEASE !





Okay, now what has happened to the BEER30 we all know and love :bawling:


Happy Thanksgiving


I believe he has come down with a "Touch of the Holidays" or maybe he dipped into the Holiday Spirits a little early or maybe he watched "A Christmas Carol" recently.


Heck , I can be nice once in awhile , can I ?:big-grin-emoticon:


I even went out today and bought BEER24/7 a new leather MC jacket . Guess who was the sales lady ?



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