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I'm just gonna make my own synchro tool. http://www.powerchutes.com/manometer.asp


Since I'm only gonna have two hose openings, how would I sync the left bank to the right bank? I'm assuming I can just hook one up to, say, #2 cylinder and the other to #3 just so long as I put the plugs back on #1 & #4. Am I thinking correctly?


You can add two more hoses for another few bucks. Check the local hardware store garden sprinkler section or the pet store aquarium section for a 4 port fitting for the the bottom connecting them all together.


The ones I found fit 3/16" and 1/4" hose sizes, and you can use a 3/16" to 1/4" inline reducer found on the same shelves some times, or at the local auto parts store for vacuum systems parts. I also used the sprinkler inline valves on each to control the pulsing some. Stapled my hoses to a 6 ft 1x4 board. About 26ft of hose. Used 2 cycle weed-eater/chain saw oil, was a nice dark blue-ish color. Used a vet syringe to fill it.


Find the carb that the throttle linkage goes to - on my 87 it's #2 - and connect one hose to that. Then connect the other end to each of the other carbs and sync to #2 in the order specified in the manual. #1 will be first, then #3 I think, then #4. If you do 3 and 4 in the wrong order then one will throw the other off.



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