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The Bane of Pane sits well bellow his brain


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Hi all,


It has been a while since I took my sense of humor over my broken backside for a spin I thought I'd take a minute and fill you in on my progress. so far, none to speak of. :bawling:

For my two boys however this is far from the case! I am simply dumbfounded by how quickly and accurately they have assessed my limitations! This I can manage because there is no way I will be bested by a two and six year old, no matter how nefarious they are as a team!


The part I didn't see coming and will likely never hear the end of that for the first time in my romantic career, I am the one consistently saying NO. To be more accurate, it's "OH hell no"!!

Pain :7_6_3[1]:

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Hey ya Pain!


Still SOL on any relief from the PIA huh? It's a slow process for sure. Kids are creative aren't they? My daughter was about 9 or ten when I had my "incident". It didn't take long for her to figure out my attachment to that damned foam rubber donut and that became her target. Little things like putting something like a tennis ball in the middle and covering it with a blanket. Or her best effort ever was putting it in the freezer all night. That one backfired a bit as I started doing in myself after a couple of times. I can't say that it helped but the frost burn took my mind off the tail section. LOL!


And don't give up on the romantic adventures my friend. All the screaming and yelling will probably get you some high fives and a few free rounds of drinks from your buds in the neighborhood at the local watering hole. Let them think that's the reason you walk funny! They don't have to know. LOL!


So how's the dog holding up?



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