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OK folks...what is it with these strange Kentucky laws. I went to dinner earlier tonight. Was in the mood for a good steak and a cold beer.


Guess what...Kentucky law does not allow them to sell beer until the polls have closed. :confused24:


It reminded me, I was in Kentucky on election day 4 years ago and didn't remember that until I tried again tonight.


PLEASE remind me in 4 years to NOT be in Kentucky on election day. :doh:


I don't drink much and certainly don't drink every day...usually not even every week. But when I am in the mood for a beer, I really want a beer. :bang head:


If I recall, you can't purchase alcohol in Indiana on election day until the polls close either. I believe it harkens back to the days when a candidate would ply voters with liquor to get them to vote. Now they ply them with public funds (your and my tax dollars) and it is perfectly legal.




Born and raised about 10 miles from where your at tonight.

Why am I in Texas ??? :rotf::rotf::rotf:


Even though I gave up drinking. You gots to take a bath once a year there also.....


That is really weird that you were there for two straight elections...:think::think:

Kind of a crazy law....

Glad when I get home from the road and can go to my well stocked fridge in the garage and choose between two domestic beers or one fine Canadian beer.:D:canada:

Every State that I have lived in, alcohol was not allowed to be sold anywhere until the polls closed. Even the lottery is shut down here in SC. :confused24:



TEXAS LOTTERY, wasn't shut down today!

i cashed in a $1000.00, scratch off ticket today!

just jt:backinmyday:


No liquor or beer sales till 6 o'clock here in Indiana today, but you COULD go vote early and stop by your favorite tavern on the way!! Makes no sense.




In the late 80's I took a day from the Naval Hospital at Camp Pendleton and went to Tijuana. I was hoping to party a bit. It turned out to be election day there and the whole country was dry for the whole day. I couldn't find a drop a tequila anywhere. So, tonight I sit at home, watching Brit comedy on DVD sipping martini's.


Much better this way.


I don't drink much and certainly don't drink every day...usually not even every week. But when I am in the mood for a beer, I really want a beer. :bang head:


Had a good day Eh ! We all them days but some are more than others.


With a law like that how would you celebrate a win or loss ?



choose between two domestic beers or one fine Canadian beer.:D:canada:


If ya got Canadian beer in the fridge, there shouldn't be any need to choose...:witch_brew:


btw, what brand is it?

After hearing that no sale of Beer and whom is prez. elect now ........I'm moving to Pluto !



Don't worry about going to Pluto.

Come Down Under.

Beer's on tap 24/7 (except Good Friday and Christmas Day) and legal drinking age is 18.


:group cheers:


:rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:... and the gov't will provide the soap ...


With the outcome of this election.........looks like we all are going to take a bath..............:whistling::whistling::whistling:



NK I took a bath a couple of months ago when I was here. :)


Yep. No alcohol in Indiana either. They don't want you drunk when you vote, but by all means....


The farggin methadone clinic one mile down the road from my polling place was open and packed.:soapbox:

No drinking but by all means, go get your fix.


Yup. Those that THINK they know what's best for the rest of us, decided alcohol would cloud your judgement. HMMMMM!!! Do I vote for bad or badder. I'm so confused:confused:. I thinks I needs a BEER.



there is a good article on wikipedia


Alcohol laws of the United States by state



And a news article is HERE


Here is the pertniate data


The only states that still cling to statewide Election Day sales bans of alcohol at restaurants, bars and package stores are Kentucky, Indiana and South Carolina. Utah and West Virginia still ban the sale of alcohol at package stores on Election Day. Alaska and Massachusetts also ban Election Day alcohol sales, except that local governments are authorized to provide an exemption from the ban.

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