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Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers. I haven't been the best friend lately but I hate to burden others with what really is minor stuff. This entire episode has gotten me down, and I'm off of work so I don't even have that to distract me :whistling: Quick replay of the story. 9/7/08 I dislocated my knee, fractured the kneecap and tore the ACL while playing..... kickball:confused24: who would have thought that a kids game could be so dangerous! At least it's a beer league so I was ready with instant anesthetics:dancefool:. A couple days before surgery, my foot became swollen, hot, red, and so painful that I could not stand it. ER docs gave me Dilaudid for pain and yes that works:thumbsup2:. Further consults and Docs decided I had developed a bone infection secondary to the injury. Now, I'm a nurse and realized there was no logical explanation to this but... so it goes. Got hospitalized for a week and been on antbiotics since then and for two more weeks still to go. Then will do more tests to see if it's healed, THEN I get to schedule surgery for my knee. So it looks like another 4-8 weeks of sheer boredom. I've had so many x-rays, MRIs, CT scans that my leg glows in the dark :shock3:.

Now, our secret, and don't tell the docs cause I will hunt you down! I have been riding! Not much, but damn it feels good:big-grin-emoticon:. So Thanks again, I appreciate everybody's concern. I love you all!


You had us sorta worried they friend, you know this bunch and how we care for one another, so dont let it happen again or we will send Snarly Bill :bluesbrother:over to break the other kneecap.............Keep us posted on your progress and if you need anything dont hesitate to ask you know we care deeply about you.


So I don't guess Alan would be interested in a kicking contest for a while.

Alan, sorry to hear about the knee, but it is good to hear from you. Keep taking care of that knee, stay away from kids games, (even if it is a beer league), and let us know how you are coming along.


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