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My "new to me" 87 VR is acting up with a fast idle around 2500 rpm when warmed up. I've searched this forum and have found it is not that unusual. The recommended fixes are beyond my comfort level, as I would rather take it to someone who knows, rather than mess it up further myself, at least until I understand what to do.


I am in the Benton, IL area about 110 miles SE of St. Louis. Any knowledgeable members or recommended shops/mechanics in this area? Thanks.


First-- Simply Drain the Fuel Tank, At the Petcock Valve. Remove hose, easy.

Stick another piece of 1/4 id rubber hose on the Valve and Drain the last Gallon of fuel from the tank. -Nobody Ever Burns that last gallon. Probably lots, of crud and maby water in there.


Second-- EASY to do. Each Carb, has a small drain hose. There is a #2 phillips head screw on each carb body to open the Drain. Drain All Four Carbs.


Add about 3 gallons of gas, and buy one can of " SEA - FOAM " fuel system conditioner, and a Can of HEET. Use this mix with the 3 gallons. ( or most any good fuel injector cleaner, will work also ) Sea-Foam is best stuff for the job.


Run the bike every day, and Drain the Carbs every couple days for a week.


On next fill up, put in another can of Sea Foam.


Run that tank full, then Re-Evaluate the situation.


At that point, you might consider a new set of Spark Plugs. ( use NGK, Stock # plug)

My "new to me" 87 VR is acting up with a fast idle around 2500 rpm when warmed up. I've searched this forum and have found it is not that unusual. The recommended fixes are beyond my comfort level, as I would rather take it to someone who knows, rather than mess it up further myself, at least until I understand what to do.


I am in the Benton, IL area about 110 miles SE of St. Louis. Any knowledgeable members or recommended shops/mechanics in this area? Thanks.


Is your choke stuck?


Choke seems to work just fine.


George: I'm on the third tank of Seafoam/gas mixture. So far no change but I'm still hopeful. The bike runs strong with no missing at highway speeds. Miles per gallon seem low, though, as the last full tank resulted in 125 miles/3.5 gallons at 55-60 mph = 35 mpg.


How about removing the air cleaner and spraying carb cleaner down to clean them out? I already put new plugs in.


When I bought my 89 this spring it had not been ridden much and ran kinda rough. Put a can of Seafoam in a tank of gas and ran it at highway speeds for 150 miles. After that the idle was up around 2500 RPM... have you thought of adjusting the idle screw? That's all I did with mine... and 8000 miles later she still idles at 1000.

Choke seems to work just fine.


George: I'm on the third tank of Seafoam/gas mixture. So far no change but I'm still hopeful. The bike runs strong with no missing at highway speeds. Miles per gallon seem low, though, as the last full tank resulted in 125 miles/3.5 gallons at 55-60 mph = 35 mpg.


How about removing the air cleaner and spraying carb cleaner down to clean them out? I already put new plugs in.


OK, things to check --- SEE Page 2-12 of service manual. ( it on line here if you don't have a manual. See 1st gen maint library )

------- Take a close look at the Throttle " PULL" cable at the lft Fwd Carb. (item #1 on page 2-12 ) Move the throttle, make sure you have " some " amount of " slack " in the cable, before the mechanical linkage begins to Move.

( 1/16 to 1/8 inch of cable movement at the carb) If, NO Slack, then the last preson who synced the carbs, did not do it right.


-------Also, check the exposed portion of cable for any sign of fraying !! IF you find, any, then order a new set of cables. !!!!!


------ Now find your Main idle adjust knob, under the same carb ( plastic kurled knob ) its in a Vertical position ( Do not confuse this with the large, screwdriver head, adjustment between the two carbs left side , item A, on page 2-12 , thats a Sync Screw )


----- Main Idle adjust, is mounted in vertical position under the #2 carb. Adjust it CCW untill it is NOT makeing contact with linkage assemble, then bring it back till its just makeing contact.


----- Run Engine, see what you have, re - evaluate situation. Now try to get 900 RPM set with the main adjuster screw .


----- At this point, Remove the Air cleaner cover, and observe the 4 Carb, pistions, they should be dancing equally, as engine idles. ( if not, maby you need a new set of diaphrams ) ( Don't try to drive the bike with the aircleaner cover removed, It won't work !!! )


----- Next step would be a Carb Syncronization proceedure. See: page 2-12, 2-13 and 2-14 of Service Manual, READ IT ALL carefully, if you have never been thru this job. Study the diagram on page 2-12,

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