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Two days prior to hurricane Ike hitting here, I pulled the tank off my '05 RSV and changed the plugs, while I had the tank off I also changed out the coolant and cleaned the reservoir. I also went ahead and changed the oil and filter. Anyway during this time the storm hit and needless to say my attention got diverted from my task of completing the maint. I work in one of the Chemical plants here on the shipchannel and just the other day after two weeks I got the bike back together. Heres is the problem, it hs started back-firing rather badly after it geets good and warm (when down-shifting). After looking at a parts manual I see that there is a roll over valve I do not think that I reattached the hose from the tank to the valve. I really don't remember even taking it loose. Could this be causing the problem? Plugs were replaced with same type and #, no contamination of fuel. So I am stumped, what do ya'll think?


I dont mean to be a smarta$$ but could you have pulled the choke knob out a little and its not back in all the way..Yep,I did that once! Tom


You have a vacuum leak somewhere. Either you disconnected a hose and didn't get it back, jostled the carbs a bit loose on the manifolds, or it is just coincidence that the vacuum caps started leaking bad at this time. Frankly, unless you have changed them, they are way past due to leak bad on an 05. :080402gudl_prv:


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