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Just bought an '83 VR that seems to want to lean to the left while riding. I'm a first time rider and would like any advice I can get about how to proceed with figuring this out.

This bike, that is in better shape, replaces an '83 VR that I have been riding for two months. My first one tracks like a dream.

Tires are new looking.....wheel seems tight and no noise while spinning.....forks look staight, but what do I know.....HELP!!!!! :think:


First thing to check would be left side brake caliper, be sure the pads are releasing. ie, not dragging.


You might try Loosening the Two upper pinch bolts on the fork tubes, and checking for any Stress on the tubes. Loosen pinch bolts, and Axel, then retorque in stages. Tap on things with rubber mallet to relive any Stress.


Possibly a Wheel Bearing on the left side. Remove wheel and check the front wheel bearings, and Lubricate them.


Check the Rear Swing Arm Bearings. Maby one side is not Torqued correctly. They might need to be lubricated. You will need a large Torque wrench, and two different size, pretty large Metric Sockets for this job.


There is a way to check if the Front Wheel is tracking with the Rear Wheel correctly, maby sombody can fill you in on that. I have never done it.



---- One comment, my 89, has always wanted to Pull to Left, some, If I let go off both handlebars. But I have not been able to fix it. Not much, but its there.




Thanx GeorgeS.....Gives me a place to start.

Another piece of info that might help. When I accererate passed 30-40 mph the bike corrects its behavior. It tracks straight and true. No fighting the left.

So.....30-45 mph the bike wants to right it self and literaly lean left...not steer...lean.

Does the extra info help any or make any sense. To the garage I go to check on GeorgeS advice.

I'd rather be riding......:think:

I have heard uneven fluid levels in the forks can also cause this. Does one of your fork seals leak?


Yes, this might be involved. Highly advisable to Drain ALL the Fluid from Both Forks, and Replace, both sides with New, Measured Amount of Fluid. See the Specifications section of Service Manual, for the exact amount of fluid. 10 Wt Fluid is the factory weight Fork Oil. I Switched to 15 Wt. and Progressive Springs.


One other point. When you Remove the Axel, clean and lubricate it, and on installation, rotate it by hand, checking for any Undue Resistance.


Carefully examine both fork tubes for any sign that they may have been damaged.

Posted (edited)

Also, consider that there Might be a problem with the Front Tire itself.


Various front end problems have been cured by simply replaceing the tire.


I'm just fishing , with that one. :puzzled:



Also, See, the Service Manual, for proceedure for Lubricating and Re-Torqueing the Swing Arm main bearings, the proceedure there is Very Helpfull !!!

Edited by GeorgeS

Thanx everbody.....looks like I am into a total front end service. First time for me, on a motorcycle that is. I like the bike to much to give up. My wife has other feelings about that. Haven't sold the first bike, wife has a few feelings about that too...ahem, so I might as well swap the front tire and try it out. Easy things first. I have a feeling that the oil may be where it is at. At least it will be done.

Good advice.....thanx again.....don't stop.....


I'd rather be riding.....:think:

P.S. anybody got a part number and manufacturer on that spring I am going to run into.....and should? replace.....


Sounds to me that the fork seals where blown not to long ago. The bike was road like that for a while and then the fork seals replaced.

This will ware the tire off center. Which makes the bike turn one way better than the other.



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