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I've been around here (forum) since about Oct,Nov. of the year Don started this site. I picked up my '05 the next month (Dec). Been thru the site crash, changed my forum name, traveled to the the Dragon Rally in Georgia once. But most of all I've enjoyed the wealth of knowledge I've gleamed, and the general tone of the site. Good people, good times. Aside from the very occaisional religious or political BS...it's a good place to come daily and read casually some interesting things.

Preamble said, the wife and I are taking off this sat. from here in Tenn. headed east, taking a leisure trip to the coast of NC up thru DC to NY then back. All the way will be impromtu and spur of the moment. Take it as it comes trip. 2 weeks of cruising the highways, byways and mostly back roads. If you see the Silver '05 w/ black piggybacker tooling down the road, don't hesitate to wave, shout or cry out.

We'll be moving from Tenn. up to the NW (seattle area) after the first of the year. New job will take me to Switzerland for a time....house needs to sell (keep fingers crossed), and then the new page of our life starts.

I'm so looking forward to this trip.....wish it was longer, but I'm figuring co-pilot will need a pressure washer to get the 10 pounds of gold bond off her back side by the time we get back, that 2 weeks will have probably been enough.

See you all down the road!


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