Welcome to VentureRider. What started as a simple site for riders of the Yamaha Venture, Royal Star, Royal Star Venture and the Star Venture has turned into so much more than that. Though the great Yamaha Venture motorcycles are still our primary focus, we have many members who have eventually moved on to other brands/models or who have stopped riding altogether but still remain members dud to the lifelong friendships they have made on this site.
Whether you have questions about your bike, looking for parts, or just wanting to talk motorcycles and riding, this is the place to be. Our members are friendly and welcoming to all. My name is Don, Freebird in the forums, and I started this site around 15 or so years ago. I have met many of our members at our various rallies and meets and some I only know from their posts here on the site but am proud to call them friends, brothers, sisters. I like to think of this as our club, not MY club. I try hard to implement features that the members request. It's not always possible but I do try.
This is a subscription based club. You can read messages in most cases but can't post, search, and etc. without becoming a supporting member. We do offer a free 2 month trial however so you are welcome to check us out before paying the small $12.00 per year dues. Upon expiration of your trial membership, you will lose the ability to post messages. At that time, you can click on "Store" and then "Subscriptions" if you wish to continue. We hope you like what you find here. We have few rules but the major ones are no religious debate, no political debate, and no "X" rated content, nudity, dirty jokes, etc. We are a family oriented club so please keep things PG or at least PG-13 rated.
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N3FOL 333
Good evening to all! Our next week's weather forecast is looking much better. Looking forward to ride.
Ok, so went down to the local power sports place and asked the service manager if he had some old carbs on a shelf that they scavenge parts from.
for a case of beer I walked out with an old Mikuni carb set that was not identical but mic’d the shaft and seal and they were the same! Now I’m back in business.
now on to final adjustments of float height, air/fuel mix screws and verify I have the right jets in the right carb (as I found out they are different between carbs)… any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Yes it’s a bit of a project but as I can’t do much else it has worked out pretty good so far. Nothing but time on my hands to tinker with it.
Woody 632
Welcome to Venture Riders and sounds like you have gotten yourself a project.
RDawson 2,053